The past 5 years have been a period of relative stability in curriculum implementation with the senior phase and Grade 12 being the last phase for newly implementing grade of the NCS. Public interest in education, particularly the curriculum, remains a focal area amongst stakeholders including the public, education partners, teacher organisations and other Departments. Research on implementation of the curriculum has been conducted through various platforms and by various institutions including quality assurance evaluations of curriculum statements by UMALUSI completed at the request of the DBE. One of the themes expressed repeatedly in the Further Education and Training (FET) evaluation report is that, “while the curriculum provides for the development of the full range of cognitive abilities, the actual implementation of these curricula seldom gives sufficient opportunities for the development and practice of the creative, analytic and synthesising skills in the curriculum”, Umalusi (2014). Further research has included the Ministerial Report on Implementation of National Curriculum Statement, amongst others.-
Although the body of research on the curriculum in South Africa has continued to grow, to date, limited information is available about the experiences of schools, especially, teachers, in the implementation of the curriculum. Purpose of the evaluation
To evaluate whether the curriculum has been implemented as specified in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) and how implementation can be strengthened.