This evaluation received an overall score of 3.82. Follow up, use and learning phase received the highest score (4.29), and other phases scored between “satisfactory” and “good”. In terms of overarching considerations, Co-ordination and alignment received a score of 4.87, while capacity development and partnership approach scored lowest (2.92 and 2.94 respectively).
The lack of participation of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) in the evaluation process was a decision taken by the Department to encourage the autonomy of the evaluator, and ensure the credibility
of evaluation findings. Despite the lack of involvement by the DBE the utilisation of evaluation findings have been a key strength of this evaluation. Some questions were however raised regarding the
appropriateness of the research design, and this may have been avoided had consultation taken place.
Of all the evaluation phases, the planning and implementation phases received the lowest scores (each 3.69). This was mainly due to the lack of participation (partnership approach) and capacity development of the DBE. This needs to be understood within the context that the nature of the participation was determined by the Department as indicated above. The reporting phase received a score of 3.76. The evaluation report was well written on the whole as the content was accessible and conclusions were well constructed. The structure of the initial sections in the report (introduction, methods, sample, etc.) could have been more logical and comprehensive.
Information relating to the research design, sampling methodology, data analysis methods, limitations and ethics were omitted and this weakened the report. Using a more sophisticated software package
would also have strengthened and deepened the data analysis and improved the robustness of the findings. Co-ordination and alignment received a high score of 4.87 due to content and processes being well aligned to legislation, policy and literature.