This evaluation was thus important in collating a collection of desktop information and stakeholder views in the African context into a concise report which reflects on climate finance relative to the key principles of Aid Effectiveness. It was also key in identifying areas for improvement in the management and roll-out of such financing on the continent particularly as relates to the key role-players (governments, international funders and global institutions). The report phase of the evaluation was thus scored at 3.31 as its compilation was more than adequate. The evaluation takes good account of the contextual factors at play in the case study countries, to describe the status, nature and management of climate change finance and was thus scored 4.00 in terms of the ‘coordination and alignment’
overarching consideration. In addition, the effect of the evaluation on the continent was viewed as important as, in combination with complementary case studies of other African countries, the evaluation
findings were used to develop the Nairobi Declaration on African Principles for Aid Effectiveness in Climate Finance. It is however, not known to what extent the evaluation’s team benefited from skills
development through the evaluation. The assessor thus scored the ‘capacity development’ overarching consideration as slightly better than adequate (i.e. it was scored 3.29). Overall, the findings of this
assessment are that the evaluation is viewed to not only have been timely but to have presented a vital platform for discussions around the constraints and opportunities to the expanded roll-out of climate
finance on the African continent.