The Impact of Crime on Small Businesses in South Africa 2008


Promotion of entrepreneurship and small business is an important priority of the government of SA. The Small Business White Paper (1995), the Small Business Act (1996), and the Integrated Strategy on the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Small Business provide a framework for role-players that seek to assist the entry of new players into the formal economy. This is done by strengthening the growth and sustainability of existing enterprises and creating linkages so that some start-ups may graduate from local micro to globally competitive businesses. An international panel of economists identified crime as a factor that disadvantaged small
businesses. Over 2 million crimes were reported to the police in the financial year of 2007/08. There was an increase in crime victimisation of businesses – burglary of business premises increased by 8%, commercial crimes by 6%, and shoplifting by

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a better understanding of the extent to which crime impacts on small enterprises, and more particularly on emerging black owned businesses.


Evaluation Number:
Report Approval:
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Monday, 11 March 2013
Initiated By:
Policy Coordination and Advisory Services, The Presidency
Undertaken By:
SBP, Johannesburg
Evaluation Period:
February-July 2008
Evaluation Area:
LED, SMEs & local development projects
National Outcome:
National Outcome 3: All people in South Africa are and feel safe.
National Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth.
Commissioned By:
Evaluation Type:
Evaluation Subject:
Geographic Scope:

Evaluation Documents

File Name
EVAL 10 Executive Summary v2 20130322 mb.pdf
10 EQAT 20130320 sr_mb.pdf